An article about the flagship project Linked Care was published in the Futurezone newspaper! Link to the original post in the Futurezone (German)
The following is an excerpt from the article:
In the "Linked Care" project, an information system is being created that will connect all people and professions involved in care and therapy.
"The aim of Linked Care is that those affected and their relatives work together securely and directly online with people in nursing and care professions, as well as therapeutic professions," says project manager Elisabeth Haslinger-Baumann, who heads the competence center for applied nursing research at the FH Campus Wien. "In order to achieve this goal, interfaces must be expanded so that double surveys and loss of information are avoided."
In order not to make the everyday life of doctors and mobile nurses even more complicated, existing instruments for digital documentation should continue to be used and interfaces created. This also includes, for example, taking into account the software for medical practices and pharmacies, as well as enabling integration into the electronic health record (ELGA). An online platform that is as easy to use as possible is to be created for clients and relatives and the health professions.